Tom Ogilvy is great! He's offered great support over the
years for many people.
To delete the data in the columns K to Q, see if this
added line of code to clear the contents (at the bottom)
does what you want. I also added a space between the
concatenated values if you would like. You can adjust it
to suit your needs, with a dash or comma between the
values (instead of a blank space) - or just leave it the
way it was. You can also change the Rows.Count to some
smaller value (that is, to whatever is your last row of
data) so that it will run faster.
Sub ConcatenateRev1()
Dim cell As Range, sStr As String
Dim i As Long
For Each cell In Range(Cells(1, "J"), Cells
(Rows.Count, "J"))
sStr = cell
For i = 1 To 7
sStr = sStr & " " & cell.Offset(0, i)
Next i
cell.Value = sStr
Next cell
Range(Cells(1, "K"), Cells(Rows.Count, "Q")).ClearContents
End Sub
I hope that helps.