Concatenate Function



I understand how to use the concatenate function to merge several cells with
text into one cell. My question is this: after the concatenate function
merges the specified cells into one cell, how can you then put spaces between
the text strings?

For example, say the concatenate function merges the following cells:
firstname, lastname, and age. The result of the concatenate function would
then be firstnamelastnameage. What I am asking is how can I then insert
spaces between the strings that were merged together so the cell would
contain firstname lastname age?

Office Helper

When you are concatenating the cells, use a formula similar to this =A1 & "
" & B1
it will put the space between value of A and value of B.

Dave Peterson

=a1&" "&b1&" "&c1

And if you ever have to concatenate a date (or any number you want formatted):

=a1&" "&b1&" "&text(c1,"mm/dd/yyyy")&" "&text(d1,"$0.00")

(as an example)

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