concatenate where condition on openreport



I am trying to set the 'where' condition in vb by concatenating two
variables. If a check box on my form is checked, I want the condition to be
as indicated in the first procedure of the If statement below. The
[mgmt_unit_code] field is a text value indicating an organizational section
in an agency. For example, [mgmt_unit_code] may be "aa" or "aaa" or "aab".
This allows "sub levels" of the organization with "aaa" and "aab" being
subordinate to "aa". I want to be able to pull a single level or include
"sub levels" depending on the check box (i.e. "aa" or "aa*"). I've done this
before on other occasions, but for some reason I'm having a slow brain

If Forms!frmAvailRes!chkRollup = -1 Then
strRollup = "*"
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptAvailLaborNotZero", acPreview, , "[mgmt_unit_code]
like " & strMU & strRollup
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptAvailLaborNotZero", acPreview, , "[mgmt_unit_code]
like " & strMU
End If

The second condition works fine, but the first condition tells me there is
an extra ")" in the expression??? All insight is deeply appreciated.

Duane Hookom

If Forms!frmAvailRes!chkRollup = -1 Then
strRollup = "*"
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptAvailLaborNotZero", acPreview, , _
"[mgmt_unit_code] like '" & strMU & strRollup & "'"
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptAvailLaborNotZero", acPreview, , _
"[mgmt_unit_code] like '" & strMU & "'"
End If

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