Concatenate with carriage return- how to remove blanks?



I'm trying to concatenate 15+ columns into one and have the results appear in
list format- so I've used =concatenate(a1,char(10),a2,char(10),a3.....
function. Wrap text is enabled. However, some source columns contain blanks
and I don't want a blank row showing (it will make my row height huge!) and
make the list look odd with big blank spaces. Any ideas?

Héctor Miguel

hi, cindy !
I'm trying to concatenate 15+ columns into one and have the results appear in list format-
so I've used =concatenate(a1,char(10),a2,char(10),a3..... function. Wrap text is enabled.
However, some source columns contain blanks and I don't want a blank row showing
(it will make my row height huge!) and make the list look odd with big blank spaces. Any ideas?

you might want to give a try defining your own UDF (in a standard code module) like the following:

Function ConcatenateNonBlanks(Data As Range, _
Optional byColumns As Boolean = False, _
Optional Separator As String = ", ") As String
Dim resValues As Variant
resValues = Evaluate("if(" & Data.Address & "<>""""," & Data.Address & ",""|"")")
With Application
ConcatenateNonBlanks = .Substitute(.Substitute( _
Join(IIf(byColumns, .Transpose(.Transpose(resValues)), .Transpose(resValues)), _
Separator), "|" & Separator, ""), Separator & "|", "")
End With
End Function

then, you can use (i.e.) [A1] cell to put your "separator" character (i.e.) =char(10) as the 3rd argument
passing as true/<non cero> the second (byColumns) to horizontal concatenate or leave it blank to vertical concatenation
and call the above sample function (i.e.)



Gord Dibben

Function ConCatRange(CellBlock As Range) As String
Dim Cell As Range
Dim sbuf As String
For Each Cell In CellBlock
If Len(Cell.text) > 0 Then sbuf = sbuf & Cell.text & chr(10)
ConCatRange = Left(sbuf, Len(sbuf) - 1)
End Function

Ignores blank cells.

Usage is =concatrange(A1:A17)

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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