Concatenating help..please!



I need STAT help! I am a newbie and I have a database I that will tract
quality improvement criteria. I need several things (reports, etc...) from
this database once it is completed.

HOWEVER, I have a sillie problem (to those more "in the know"..:) ).

I have a report (that is bound to a table...i.e. all data will build basic
table/data I need for information being reported on by different
individuals). The very first control is not working right....!!!

It is "Name of Reviewer" which I need to pull down from combo box a list of
names (first and last) to choose from (based on seperate table already

I have tried everything!! The table has 2 fields..LastName and FirstName.
I have tried the information from Help and this newsgroup on
Concatenating...but when I go back to the form...the drop down is blank. And
before this I was creating a query from RowSource in properties...but only
the first name would appear in the combo box drop down choices (which
obviously has duplicate data based solely on first names).

Help!!! I thought I had this figured out!


Sandra Daigle

The concatenation should occur in the rowsource query of the combo. The
query should look something like this:

Select tblReviewers.ReviewerID,
tblReviewers.Lastname & ", " & tblReviewers.Firstname as Fullname,
From tblReviewers
order by tblReviewers.Lastname, tblReviewers.Firstname;

If you design the query in the query designer you create the concatenated
field by typing the following into an empty field. This created a calculated
field in your query:

Fullname: lastname & ", " & firstname

Now, make sure that the bound column of your combo is the first column and
make sure that the columnwidths property displays only the second column.

BoundColumn 1
ColumnWidths: 0,1.5
ColumnCount 2

Dan Artuso

Your query that feeds the combo would look something like this:

Select LastName & ", " & FirstName As FullName From yourTable

Now usually the table would have a primary key such as ReviewerId which would
probably be an autonumber and this would be included as the bound column in your combo.
But you don't seem to have one so I'm not sure how you are going to use the selected value.

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