Thanks Mike, Dave, JLG.
I went with option in spite of JLGWhiz's observation.
Reasoning: I'm *always* starting with row 2.
Here's the code I wound up with (MS Access VBA):
Private Function excel_GenericExport_Finalize( _
ByVal theXlsPath As
String, _
ByRef theReport As Report,
ByRef theSS As
Excel.Application _
) As Boolean
22000 DebugStackPush mModuleName & ": excel_GenericExport_Finalize"
22001 On Error GoTo excel_GenericExport_Finalize_err
' PURPOSE: To provide one-stop shopping for the
two ...GenericExport... routines
' when they put the finishing touches on the .XLS they
' ACCEPTS: - Fully-qualified path to the spreadsheet in question
' - Pointer to the report the calling routine is working
' - Pointer that we set to the .XLS so the calling
routine can
' operate on the document if it wants to
' RETURNS: True as long as nothing abended
22002 Dim myWS As Excel.Worksheet
Dim lastRow As Long
22010 If SpreadSheetOpen_Existing(theXlsPath, theSS) = True Then
' --------------------------
' Remove any default sheets that the user's Excel defaults may
have created
22011 If defaultSheets_Remove(theSS) = True Then
22012 Set myWS = theSS.Workbooks(1).Worksheets(1)
22013 With myWS
' --------------------------
' Name only remaining tab per calling report's .Caption
22019 .Name = WorkSheetName_Legal(theReport.Caption,
' --------------------------
' Set all cells except header row's to Courier 10
22020 lastRow = .UsedRange.Rows.Count
22030 With .Rows("2:" & lastRow).Font
22031 .Name = "Courier New"
22032 .Size = 10
22039 End With
' --------------------------
' Make header row bold
22040 .Rows(1).Font.Bold = True
' --------------------------
' Insert a row at the top of the sheet and populate .Cell
' with the contents of what the report's header text
would have been
' NB: Here's where the convention requiring
a .txtReportHeader in every
' report comes in.
22050 .Rows(1).Insert Shift:=xlDown
22060 With .Cells(1, 1)
22061 .Value = Eval(Right$(theReport!
txtReportHeader.ControlSource, Len(theReport!
txtReportHeader.ControlSource) - 1))
22062 .Font.Bold = True
22063 .Font.Size = 16
22069 End With
' --------------------------
' Save .XLS so user does not get prompted when they close
22099 End With
22990 excel_GenericExport_Finalize = True
22991 End If
22999 End If
On Error Resume Next
Set myWS = Nothing
Exit Function
BugAlert True, ""
Resume excel_GenericExport_Finalize_xit
End Function