Hi Preeto,
A concordance based index in Word 2007 isn't too much different from the 2003 version, but as mentioned here, it's not always
considered to be a particularly useful approach
The main difference between the Word 2003 procedure here
to create the concordance table and files is that in Word 2007 Insert=>Table is on the ribbon rather than on the 'standard
To apply the concordance to create an indexed Word document,
rather than using
Word 2003's Insert=>Reference=>Index and Tables=>Index
start in
Word 2007's References=>Insert Index
In Word Help if you search on
old keyboard commands
you'll see several links to finding where Word 2003 items are in Word 2007.
==================I found nothing about the way a concordance file is created in Word 2007 in
Word help.When i tried googling it,i found out something about how it is done
in Word 2003.But i really need to know whether it can be created in Word 2007
..Please help..! >>
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
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