I am using Project to manage the building schedule for the local Habitat for
Humanity. The same homebuilding tasks are accomplished in the same order in
one home after another, but the starts are staggered. Sometimes the duration
of tasks change, but never the tasks themselves. Is there a way to show the
progress of several different homes on the same calendar? For example I'd
like to have a calendar showing that on August 1st, there will be painting in
home #1, hanging drywall in home #2, and raising walls in home #3.
Humanity. The same homebuilding tasks are accomplished in the same order in
one home after another, but the starts are staggered. Sometimes the duration
of tasks change, but never the tasks themselves. Is there a way to show the
progress of several different homes on the same calendar? For example I'd
like to have a calendar showing that on August 1st, there will be painting in
home #1, hanging drywall in home #2, and raising walls in home #3.