Condensing Task



I have a userform with 23 textboxes and 2 comboboxes. In an effort to
advance the cursor to the next textbox or combobox if the user hit the ENTER
key, I have the following for each, ie a total of 25 of these routines (with
appropriate adjustments to match):

Private Sub TextBox6_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal
Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = 13 Then Textbox7.SetFocus
End Sub

I was wondering if there was a way to condense to one routine and use SELECT

I don't know what the first line would have to be (Private Sub...), but I am
along the lines that I would need to know the ACTIVE (current textbox), then
be able to advance using a variable, similar to below:

DIM b as Interger
b would need to be a value to represent active textbox
then code might look like this:
If KeyCode = 13 Then Textbox & (b+1).SetFocus



You will still need to detect the event for the control, however you might
consider using the Controls collection for the form to determine the next

Me.Controls("TextBox" & b + 1).SetFocus

Pass the value of b from the current control.

On the face of it it does not save you a lot, but it might be useful if your
have other common code to run.


I don't understand exactly what you are saying or how it is going to work. I
am still learning VBA Excel. I do have programming experience from other
languages from the 80's so I can guess there are ways to shorten what I want
to do, just don't know how to do it.


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