Condensing unused cells



Is there any way to condense a report to eliminate unused
space when not all cells comtain data? For example, an
address book design containing name, address, and phone is
fine, but when someone doesn't want to list their phone
number there is a large gap of empty space before the next
entry. Help?


What if there are several other items on this line. Is
there some code that can be entered to have the cells move
up one line instead of the entire line moving up?

Marshall Barton

Janet said:
What if there are several other items on this line. Is
there some code that can be entered to have the cells move
up one line instead of the entire line moving up?

In that case, I suggest using a single text box for the
name, address and phone values. Use an expression along
these lines:

=fldName & (Chr(13) + Chr(10) + fldAddr) & (Chr(13) +
Chr(10) + fldPhone)

The Chr(13) and Chr(10) are carriage return and line feed to
get the separate items on their own line. The + operator
propogates Null values so that a new line is suppresses for
missing item. Make the text box as tall as you need for all
the items or set its Can Grow property to Yes.

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