Conditional automatic entry from a list using VBA



I enter Tool Descriptions in Column 3 in my spreadsheet by selection from a DropDown Validation list.
I also have various combinations of the tools which I select from the list as Kit1, Kit2 ..........etc.

When selecting a Kit from a drop down validation list I have a VBA program which populates the the column with the individual tool descriptions which make up the Kit.

When I select a kit from the validation list the description (Eg. Kit1) appears in the relevant cell and not the various descriptions that make up the Kit1.
If I then click on the empty cell below and then again on the cell above (Kit1) it populates the cells with the tools correctly.
How do I get the cells populated automatically as required without having to click twice as described above?

I use a case statement for the different kits which calls the relevant sub programs as follows:

Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(By Val Target as range
Dim CodeRow As Interger
Dim CodeCol As Interger
Dim Count As Interger

Select Case Target.Value
Case "Kit 1"
Call Kit1
Case"Kit 2"
Call Kit2
Case Else
End Select
End Sub

I then have Private Sub Programs for each Case. (Kit)
The Tool Descriptions are located in a Table in Column 10

Example for Kit1.

Private Sub Kit1()
Dim ToolDescription
Dim ContentsRow As Integer
Dim ContentsCol as Integer

ContentsCol = 10
CodeCol = 3
CodeRow = ActiveCell.Row (Where the Tool Description is to be entered)

Contents Row = 19 (First Tool Description for Kit1 is located in the table in Col10 Row 19)
ToolDescription = Cells(ContentsRow,ContentsCol).Value
Cells(CodeRow,CodeCol).Value = ToolDescription
CodeRow = CodeRow + 1 (Increments to next Row)

Contents Row = 20
ToolDescription = Cells(ContentsRow,ContentsCol).Value
Cells(CodeRow,CodeCol).Value = ItemDescription
CodeRow = CodeRow + 1

Contents Row = 21
ItemDescription = Cells(ContentsRow,ContentsCol).Value
Cells(CodeRow,CodeCol).Value = ToolDescription
CodeRow = CodeRow + 1

End Sub

Thanks for the anticipated help.

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