I have a Column G2:G300, which contains the difference between dates.
What I need to do is average only rows that have certain values.
To simplify, I K2:G300 only contains two values (True and False)
How do I do an Average of all the columns (G2:G300) where the value in "K"
for that row equals True. I then need to have a seperate average for the
rows that contain False.
Appreciate any help on this.
What I need to do is average only rows that have certain values.
To simplify, I K2:G300 only contains two values (True and False)
How do I do an Average of all the columns (G2:G300) where the value in "K"
for that row equals True. I then need to have a seperate average for the
rows that contain False.
Appreciate any help on this.