I’m not trying to be difficult and I certainly don’t think I’m being
presumptuous by thinking that you can understand what’s happening when I say
that it ‘still didn’t work’. Believe it or not, I’m trying to be as specific
as I can be. In fact, I thought I was going on and on with details that you
wouldn’t need, in a struggling effort to get my point across.
As for the error, there is no specific message that pops up, but just a
#error? statement on the report where the control is located. The results
vary based on who’s dlookup statement that I’m currently trying but if I have
said it didn’t work, then nothing changed. I thought I was communicating the
events that were occurring when the report runs when I said that It’s pulling
the first record of the query but that it wasn’t matching the salespeople up
properly. Also, when I mentioned the pop up prompt for the ‘me’ field that
occurred earlier.
The salesperson and department fields are controls in the report that was
created with the wizard. The recordsource for the whole report is
qrycontactdata. The only information that is not in that query is the units
that I’m trying to use dlookup to get. The query is based on tblcontactdata
which is formatted as text for those fields. The only place that I can see a
potential format problem is the controls in formparameters which prompts the
user for which salesperson to run the report on (it will also accept a null
value for this, in which case the report runs on all salespeople). If any of
these controls are lookups, then the wizard did that and I can’t see the
expression in the control souce.
I created two new textboxes in the department line of the report, one for
salesperson and one for department. Both correctly displayed the name of the
person and department for each page of the report (each page being a
different salesperson, with new, used and total broken out into thirds on
each page).
The report’s recordsource property is qrycontactdata. That’s it. The query
will turn the results that look like this (the field names have been
abbreviated here because they wouldn't fit neatly across this post):
Slsperson UpSource Dept Demo WriteUp Mgr
Result Date
John Doe Walk-In Used Yes Yes
Yes Working 10/1/2005
Jane Doe Walk-In New No No
No Working 10/1/2005
John Smith Walk-In New Yes No
Yes Working 10/1/2005
Jane Smith Walk-In Used Yes Yes
Yes Working 10/1/2005
For good measure, qrysoldunits returns this result:
salesperson units monthandyear
John Doe 2 10-2005
John Doe 4 10-2005
Jane Doe 5 10-2005
John Smith 2 10-2005
Qrysoldunits will have 2 records for each salesperson per month, max. it may
possibly have only 1. when looking at the raw data, both queries are correct.
They pull the correct data for the parameters entered in the form that
creates them.
As for the copy I inserted on my last post. It wasn’t someone else’s opinion
or question. It was my own. I just wanted you to be aware of the fact that
I’m asking this same question elsewhere and have not met with success. When
I figured that it’s about 5 people per website and 3 websites later, that 15
people who are minimally advanced users of ms access and many of whom are
probably considered experts, probably can’t all be getting this wrong in the
same way without the fault lying elsewhere. I was just trying to suggest and
alternative direction to see if that would spark an ‘ah-ha’ from you to let
me know what I haven’t got right in my form/query/table/report that is
probably as simple as a property on a control somewhere or something.
Truthfully, I’ve been working on this db for a month and prior to that have
never heard of access, let alone used it for anything. I’ve been trying on
my own for over a week to get this one thing and have met with zero success.
I can say that I’m putting about 1/5-2 hours per day into it at work. After
a week I decided to solicit help from the community because I was stuck. Now,
if after all that you can say that you’ve got a problem with this entire
thread, I am comfortable with you not responding to it again. The last I
checked, this forum was for the express purpose of helping people like me
with problems like this. If that’s not correct, let me know and I’ll seek
help elsewhere. If my ability to communicate my problem is ineffective, I’m
sorry, but it’s not do to any lack of effort on my part to try to get my
point across. If I’m not grasping these concepts as quickly or easily as you
feel that I should, then perhaps your time would be better spent taking a
learning annex course in teaching rather than blithely spouting off about how
you’re having a problem with my problem. Honestly, I still would like your
help and anyone else who’s reading this but I can do with a little less
arrogance, please.
Marshall said:
I'm starting to have a problem with this entire thread.
I think you are being extremely presumptious when you say
"still didn't work" with, I presume, some expectation that I
can use that lack of specific information to solve your
problem. You must be getting an error message or some kind
of result and I need to know not only what values the
function is operating on, but also the result produced.
In reviewing ehis entire thread, I don't think we have
established exactly what the salesperson and department
items really are. Are they fields in the report's record
source query? You said before that they are Text type
fields, but I am wondering if maybe they are actually a
Lookup field that actually has a numeric ID.
How about doing a little debugging here? If you don't
already have them, add two text boxes, one bound to
salesperson and the other to department. Maybe seeing these
values will provide a clue.
It might also be helpful if you posted the report's record
source query and a short same of the data it returns.
The copy of someone else's reply in a different forum does
not seem relevant to me. I am not at all sure that it's
trying to address the same question as in this thread, but
if it is, I can not see what the format of a form combo box
has to do with anything in the report. You don't care how
the data is formatted, you just need to be aware of the data
type and value.
still didn't work. i think the problem lies in a different direction. i've
got posts on 3 different web sites and i've gotten about 30 different dlookup
[quoted text clipped - 27 lines]