Conditional compilation on Word version


David Rigler


anybody know how to get a conditional compilation based on the version
of word ?? This bit of code doesnt work but illustrates what i need

#if Val(Application.Version) > 8 Then ' 8 = Word97, 9 = Word2000

Actually what i need is way of telling whether the Assistant(clippy) is
loaded that works in both Word97 and Word2000, unfortunately the
assistant appears to behaves slightly differently in each so i need
different code.



Jonathan West

David Rigler said:

anybody know how to get a conditional compilation based on the version
of word ?? This bit of code doesnt work but illustrates what i need

#if Val(Application.Version) > 8 Then ' 8 = Word97, 9 = Word2000

Actually what i need is way of telling whether the Assistant(clippy) is
loaded that works in both Word97 and Word2000, unfortunately the
assistant appears to behaves slightly differently in each so i need
different code.

The VBA6 compiler constant will distinguish between Word 97 (False) and all
later versions (True). There are no compiler constants that distinguish
between later versions of Word.

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