Conditional criteria in a query



Can I put an If Then condition in a design query?

In a query I have a field for [WkAuth] and a condition in the query IIF
[WkAuth]< 8, [WkAuth], "8". (The [WKAuth] represents the maximum number of
hours scheduled for the week.)

For most services, the 8 hours max works. However I've been asked to add a
modification to this query for a certain service code. If a certain service
code exists, then the max hours scheduled should be 32 instead of 8.

I don't think the IIf statement will work for this. If not, then how can I
handle this. I am not skilled in writing code, which may be what is needed.

Can someone please help? I'm using Access 2000, and my query statement

SELECT tblAuths.AuthNo, tblAuths.ConsumerNo2, qryConsumers.CLN,
qryConsumers.CFN, tblAuths.AuthStart, tblAuths.AuthEnd,
DateDiff("d",[DateToday],[AuthEnd]) AS DaysRemain, [DaysRemain]/7 AS NoWks,
-Int(-[NoWks]) AS NoWksRdUp, Date() AS DateToday,
IIf(Nz([HrsRemain],0)>0,[HrsRemain]/[NoWksRdUp],0) AS WkAuths,
IIf([WkAuths]<8,[WkAuths]) AS MaxWkHrs1, IIf([WkAuths]>8,"8.00",[WkAuths]) AS
MaxWkHrs2, -Int(-[MaxWkHrs2]) AS MaxWkHrsRdUp, tblAuths.AuthUnitsApproved,
[AuthUnitsApproved]-[UnitsUsed] AS UnitsRemain, ([UnitsRemain]/4) AS
HrsRemain, qryConsumers.TLFN, qryConsumers.TLLN, tblAuths.AuthSubmitted,
tblAuths.AuthReceived, tblAuths.UnitsUsed, tblAuths.ServiceCode,
tblAuths.CostCtr, tblAuths.AuthsStatus, tblAuths.Source,
IIf([Source]="Medicaid",1,0) AS Medicaid, IIf([Source]="Health Choice",1,0)
AS HChoice, IIf([Source]="Value Options",1,0) AS VOptions,
IIf([Source]="IPRS",1,0) AS IPRS, IIf([Source]="PBH",1,0) AS PBH,
IIf([Source]="CAP",1,0) AS CAP, qryConsumers.ClientStatus, tblAuths.Comment,
tblAuths.TarNo, tblAuths.UnitsLeft,
DateDiff("d",[AuthSubmitted],[AuthReceived]) AS TurnADays,
IIf(Nz([AuthUnitsApproved],0)>0,[UnitsUsed]/[AuthUnitsApproved],0) AS BurnRate
FROM qryConsumers INNER JOIN tblAuths ON qryConsumers.ConsumerNo1 =
GROUP BY tblAuths.AuthNo, tblAuths.ConsumerNo2, qryConsumers.CLN,
qryConsumers.CFN, tblAuths.AuthStart, tblAuths.AuthEnd, Date(),
tblAuths.AuthUnitsApproved, qryConsumers.TLFN, qryConsumers.TLLN,
tblAuths.AuthSubmitted, tblAuths.AuthReceived, tblAuths.UnitsUsed,
tblAuths.ServiceCode, tblAuths.CostCtr, tblAuths.AuthsStatus,
tblAuths.Source, qryConsumers.ClientStatus, tblAuths.Comment, tblAuths.TarNo,
HAVING (((tblAuths.AuthStart)<Date() Or (tblAuths.AuthStart)=Date()) AND
((tblAuths.AuthEnd)>Date()) AND ((tblAuths.ServiceCode) Like [Enter Service
Code] & "*") AND ((tblAuths.AuthsStatus)="Approved") AND

Clifford Bass

Hi Nona,

Just use more IIf()s:

IIf([ServiceCode] = "the value", IIf([WkAuth] < 32, [WkAuth], 32),
IIf([WkAuth] < 8, [WkAuth], 8))

Ideally, you should have those values entered into the service codes
table and join your query to the service codes table so that you can do
something like this:

IIf([WkAuth] < [MaxServiceHours], [WkAuth], [MaxServiceHours])

where the MaxServiceHours would be the column from the service codes table.

Hope that helps,

Clifford Bass

Nona said:
Can I put an If Then condition in a design query?

In a query I have a field for [WkAuth] and a condition in the query IIF
[WkAuth]< 8, [WkAuth], "8". (The [WKAuth] represents the maximum number of
hours scheduled for the week.)

For most services, the 8 hours max works. However I've been asked to add a
modification to this query for a certain service code. If a certain service
code exists, then the max hours scheduled should be 32 instead of 8.

I don't think the IIf statement will work for this. If not, then how can I
handle this. I am not skilled in writing code, which may be what is needed.

Can someone please help? I'm using Access 2000, and my query statement

SELECT tblAuths.AuthNo, tblAuths.ConsumerNo2, qryConsumers.CLN,
qryConsumers.CFN, tblAuths.AuthStart, tblAuths.AuthEnd,
DateDiff("d",[DateToday],[AuthEnd]) AS DaysRemain, [DaysRemain]/7 AS NoWks,
-Int(-[NoWks]) AS NoWksRdUp, Date() AS DateToday,
IIf(Nz([HrsRemain],0)>0,[HrsRemain]/[NoWksRdUp],0) AS WkAuths,
IIf([WkAuths]<8,[WkAuths]) AS MaxWkHrs1, IIf([WkAuths]>8,"8.00",[WkAuths]) AS
MaxWkHrs2, -Int(-[MaxWkHrs2]) AS MaxWkHrsRdUp, tblAuths.AuthUnitsApproved,
[AuthUnitsApproved]-[UnitsUsed] AS UnitsRemain, ([UnitsRemain]/4) AS
HrsRemain, qryConsumers.TLFN, qryConsumers.TLLN, tblAuths.AuthSubmitted,
tblAuths.AuthReceived, tblAuths.UnitsUsed, tblAuths.ServiceCode,
tblAuths.CostCtr, tblAuths.AuthsStatus, tblAuths.Source,
IIf([Source]="Medicaid",1,0) AS Medicaid, IIf([Source]="Health Choice",1,0)
AS HChoice, IIf([Source]="Value Options",1,0) AS VOptions,
IIf([Source]="IPRS",1,0) AS IPRS, IIf([Source]="PBH",1,0) AS PBH,
IIf([Source]="CAP",1,0) AS CAP, qryConsumers.ClientStatus, tblAuths.Comment,
tblAuths.TarNo, tblAuths.UnitsLeft,
DateDiff("d",[AuthSubmitted],[AuthReceived]) AS TurnADays,
IIf(Nz([AuthUnitsApproved],0)>0,[UnitsUsed]/[AuthUnitsApproved],0) AS BurnRate
FROM qryConsumers INNER JOIN tblAuths ON qryConsumers.ConsumerNo1 =
GROUP BY tblAuths.AuthNo, tblAuths.ConsumerNo2, qryConsumers.CLN,
qryConsumers.CFN, tblAuths.AuthStart, tblAuths.AuthEnd, Date(),
tblAuths.AuthUnitsApproved, qryConsumers.TLFN, qryConsumers.TLLN,
tblAuths.AuthSubmitted, tblAuths.AuthReceived, tblAuths.UnitsUsed,
tblAuths.ServiceCode, tblAuths.CostCtr, tblAuths.AuthsStatus,
tblAuths.Source, qryConsumers.ClientStatus, tblAuths.Comment, tblAuths.TarNo,
HAVING (((tblAuths.AuthStart)<Date() Or (tblAuths.AuthStart)=Date()) AND
((tblAuths.AuthEnd)>Date()) AND ((tblAuths.ServiceCode) Like [Enter Service
Code] & "*") AND ((tblAuths.AuthsStatus)="Approved") AND

Clifford Bass

Hi Nona,

Adjust it to this to deal with both of the issues:

MaxWkHrs2: IIf(Left([ServiceCode], 5) = "H2015", IIf([WkAuths] < 32,
32),IIf([WkAuths] < 8, [WkAuths], 8))

Note that you had a closing quote (â€) at the end of the string; changed
to a regular quote (").

Clifford Bass

P.S. Jeff - No problem :)


Wow! Success! Thanks so much, Clifford. I would never have figured all that
out on my own. I am also glad to learn about using Left to call up the codes.
Thanks so very very much.

Clifford Bass said:
Hi Nona,

Adjust it to this to deal with both of the issues:

MaxWkHrs2: IIf(Left([ServiceCode], 5) = "H2015", IIf([WkAuths] < 32,
32),IIf([WkAuths] < 8, [WkAuths], 8))

Note that you had a closing quote (â€) at the end of the string; changed
to a regular quote (").

Clifford Bass

P.S. Jeff - No problem :)

Nona said:
oooh, Important distinction. Thank you, Jeff.

I think I fixed that, but I'm still doing something wrong, but maybe not.
I'm still getting an error message for an invalid string.

MaxWkHrs2: IIf([ServiceCode] = "H2015 HT Pâ€, IIf([WkAuths] < 32, [WkAuths],
32),IIf([WkAuths] < 8, [WkAuths], 8))

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