Conditional format 2007 - is this easy?



In prior versions, I would easily have been able to do the below. But how do
I do it in 2007 Excel? I really cannot figure it out...
I have a table; 5 columns, X rows.
Column 4 contains a date (dd-MM-yyyy) or is blank (I have received no date
to enter from client).
If cell in column 4 i blank or date is later than TODAY(), I want all cells
in the table-row to be font-colour black and if date has passed (TODAY>date)
I want font-colour to be red.
How to do - in a simple way - using conditional formatin Excel 2007?


Select the whole block of 5 columns and X rows. (Your active cell shoul
be in the top row, so select it from top left to bottom right)
In conditional formatting choose New Rule (or manage rules, whichever
then choose 'Use a formula to determine which cells to format'.
In the field 'Format values where this formula is true' enter the like
of the following (column D was my 4th column, my table being A1:E13
paying attention to the placing of the $ sysmbols):
Adjust the formatting to be applied and click OK, twice. QED

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