Conditional format based on adjacent cell value


Greg Snidow

Greetings all. I am trying to use conditional formatting for a cell based on
the value of the adjacent cell. So, I want cell T1 to change to red if U1 =
"No". I tried Formula is =IF(U1 = "No"), but I get a formula error. Could
this be done with a Macro instead? Thank you.


Jim Thomlinson

Conditional formatting requires your formula to return a simple true or
false. To that end just get rid of the if and you are good...

=U1 = "No"
=upper(u1) = "NO"

makes it non case sensitive...

Greg Snidow

Thanks Jim, that worked like a charm.

Jim Thomlinson said:
Conditional formatting requires your formula to return a simple true or
false. To that end just get rid of the if and you are good...

=U1 = "No"
=upper(u1) = "NO"

makes it non case sensitive...

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