Conditional format order priority


Joe M.

I have conditional format on a row where the row turns green upon the value
of a cell in the row. I have another where a particular cell turns orange
based upon a value in the same cell.
For row: =$J10="CLSD" format green
For cell: =$K10="Y" format orange
My problem is that when J10="CLSD" row 10 is green but cell K10 is only
orange if K10="Y" and J10 <> "CLSD". When J10="CLSD" then K10 is also green
regardless of the value of K10. I would like cell K10 to be orange even when
the row is green. The row cond format seems to be taking priority over the
cell cond format. Can anyone help?

Joe M.

Sandy Mann

Won't simply reversing the order do what you want?


In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
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JE McGimpsey

Once one CF is evaluated as true, then XL displays the CF and doesn't
look at any "higher" numbered conditions.

One way:

For all cells, except column K, use your row CF.

For column K:

CF1: =$K10="Y"
Format1: <orange>

CF2: =$J10="CLSD"
Format2 <green>

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