Conditional format question


Dr. Harvey Waxman

Is it possible for the format in a cell to depend on the condition in another
cell. A1 is bold if B1 is not blank, for example.


JE McGimpsey

Dr. Harvey Waxman said:
Is it possible for the format in a cell to depend on the condition in another
cell. A1 is bold if B1 is not blank, for example.


Select A1. Choose Format/Conditional Formatting... Set the dropdowns and
textbox to read

CF1: Formula is =B1<>""
Format1: Font/Bold

in general, any formula that returns a non-zero or TRUE result will
apply the conditional formatting.


Hi Doc -

Should be no problem. I'm not near a Mac, but IIRC it works the same
way there...

Select the cell(s) to be affected [A1 in your example], go into the
Cond. Fomat dialog & open the drop down where you usually leave it set
to "Cell content is". Pick "Formula is" instead which will update the
row, then type


or whatever is ncessary & set the attribs as usual.

HTH |:>)

Harvey Waxman

JE McGimpsey said:

Select A1. Choose Format/Conditional Formatting... Set the dropdowns and
textbox to read

CF1: Formula is =B1<>""
Format1: Font/Bold

in general, any formula that returns a non-zero or TRUE result will
apply the conditional formatting.

Thanks all. Don't know why I overlooked the formula option :-(


Gang, this is very interesting.

Is it possible to format an entire row based on the contents of one
cell in that row, without setting conditional formatting for each
column separately? I have a List (in List Manager) with 13 columns.
I'd like for an entire row of of the list to be filled with a
particular color depending on the value of the cell in column L in that
row. I would like this conditional formatting to apply to all rows in
my list. I have tried selecting multiple list headings but I can't
seem to get it to work for all columns.

I have a variety of formats in the various columns: general, date,
time, calculated columns. So I don't want to screw up any of those
formats by doing some sort of universal formatting, so I have to be
careful there.

Any advice appreciated--this is a useful thread :)


JE McGimpsey

Slipface said:
Gang, this is very interesting.

Is it possible to format an entire row based on the contents of one
cell in that row, without setting conditional formatting for each
column separately? I have a List (in List Manager) with 13 columns.
I'd like for an entire row of of the list to be filled with a
particular color depending on the value of the cell in column L in that
row. I would like this conditional formatting to apply to all rows in
my list. I have tried selecting multiple list headings but I can't
seem to get it to work for all columns.

Select your 13 columns (say, A:M). Choose Format/Conditional
Formatting... Assuming the active cell is in row 2, use the dropdowns
and textbox to enter

CF1: Formula is =$L2=<your value here>

Dr. Harvey Waxman

JE McGimpsey said:
Select your 13 columns (say, A:M). Choose Format/Conditional
Formatting... Assuming the active cell is in row 2, use the dropdowns
and textbox to enter

CF1: Formula is =$L2=<your value here>
Format1: Patterns/<your color>

Is the "L" a column reference or does it have some other meaning, such as


JE McGimpsey

Dr. Harvey Waxman said:
Is the "L" a column reference or does it have some other meaning, such as

The L is a column reference - it's the column the OP said was used to
base the CF on.


JE said:
Select your 13 columns (say, A:M). Choose Format/Conditional
Formatting... Assuming the active cell is in row 2, use the dropdowns
and textbox to enter

CF1: Formula is =$L2=<your value here>
Format1: Patterns/<your color>

Awesome, I will give that a try. I tried something similar and it only
highlighted the first column. I did not know which row to base it on,
though, because I didn't realize there was one active cell when an
entire column (or multiple columns) were selected. I'll have to look
at that more carefully, as I'm sure that's why it didn't work for me (I
probably used L1 instead of L2.


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