Hey David,
My apologizes for not being clear. I plugged =LEN(B2) into C2 as a
tester cell.
The CF formula in each cell of row 2 is:
=AND($B2=0, $B2<>"""")
When this formula triggers, it turns each cell blue. Column B is
formatted in the 24 hour time format. A 0 in B2 is converted to 12:00
o'clock midnight Which is what I need). An empty cell ("") at B2
should NOT also trigger the CF, but it does. As for the space
character, it will act like any other character and NOT trigger the
What I don't under stand is, with the AND operator, don't both
conditions have to be true before the CF triggers?
It seems like the CF is treating zero (0) and empty ("") as the same
How is this possible?
What you are saying doesn't make sense.
You say:
"I tried putting a space into B2 and that untriggered the CF. I then
plugged in your =LEN(B2) and it returned 0 if there was nothing in B2 and
the CF was triggered"
Where did you put the =LEN(B2)? How could it return 0 if you had a space
B2, and how could putting =LEN(B2) in another cell affect the CF which is
dependent only on the content of B2?
To go back to your original question, which I think was saying that you
think the CF is being triggered when you believe B2 is empty:
Firstly, please copy the formula from your CF Formula Is condition and
it here into your newsgroup reply. Don't try to retype. While you are at
it, please check that you've only got the once condition set.
Secondly, what does =LEN(B2) [in another cell] return when you think B2 is
empty and when you think that the CF has been triggered?
I can assure you that the CF formula suggested *does* work.
With =AND($B2=0,$B2<>"") as the condition, it will trigger when B2
zero, but not when the cell is empty, or contains a space or anything non
zero, or when it has a formula returning an empty string "".