conditional format


k parker

This is probably an easy question. I am making a
template for my medical office. I have the following

Lachman's exam normal.

I have it formatted so the word "normal" can be changed
to reflect the exam findings. Here is the statement with
field codes on.

Lachman's exam {MACROBUTTON NoMacro normal.}

My question is how would I get anything I type instead of
the word normal to be in bold font. I would like to keep
the word normal in regular font. Thanks for your help.


Charles Kenyon

This may help.

{ MacroButton NoMacro {Quote "normal" \* CharFormat}}

The entire field is in bold. Then the word "Quote" has the bold removed - is
plain text. The \* CharFormat switch tells the field to apply the character
formatting of the first character in the Quote field to the result. A macro
button field has no problem with the result being formatted differently than
the field itself. The word "normal" will show up as not bold (and without
the quotation marks). When you type something it replaces the entire field
and the bold formatting takes over. (This is so complex because I don't know
of another way to apply the \* CharFormat switch to a macrobutton.)

Charles Kenyon

See the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
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from my ignorance and your wisdom.

Jay Freedman

Hi, Ken,

The braces aren't the regular kind you type on the keyboard. You have
to insert them by pressing Ctrl+F9.

Start with the Macrobutton field you already have:

Lachman's exam {MACROBUTTON NoMacro normal.}

Select the word normal and the period, and press Ctrl+F9. The inner
set of braces will appear. Type QUOTE after the first brace, add quote
marks around "normal.", and type \* CHARFORMAT before the inner
closing brace so the field code looks like what Charles showed you.

Select the whole Macrobutton field and press Ctrl+B to make it bold,
then select just the word QUOTE and press Ctrl+B again to make it not
bold. Finally, press F9 to collapse the field.

By the way, Charles, that's an inspired answer!

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