Kim Shelton at PDC
I have 2 workbooks.... in workbook #1 I have cells that have conditional
formating to change fill color if the cell value is 1 through 4. I want a
cell in workbook # 2 to change the cell fill color to match the other
workbook. I have a formula in workbook # 2 which must not be changed - So
I was trying to use some other method to get the cell color to change. Like
if cell in work # 1 is green then make cell in work# 2 green - but conditonal
formating will not work with multiple workbooks. Any help would be
formating to change fill color if the cell value is 1 through 4. I want a
cell in workbook # 2 to change the cell fill color to match the other
workbook. I have a formula in workbook # 2 which must not be changed - So
I was trying to use some other method to get the cell color to change. Like
if cell in work # 1 is green then make cell in work# 2 green - but conditonal
formating will not work with multiple workbooks. Any help would be