Conditional formating in reports - Access 2003



I would like to adjust the height of items with in the detail section of an
Access report based upon the amount of data to display.

So far I have got the detail height to adjust by calling this function from
a text box in the detail section of the report. This works BUT not until two
records/rows below the record I want to change!

Private Function SetHeight() As Long
Dim lngMyLen As Long
Let lngMyLen = Len(Me.txtTuesdayAM)
If lngMyLen > 20 Then
Me.Detail.Height = 1100 '567 twips equals 1 cm
Me.Detail.Height = 373
End If
Let SetHeight = lngMyLen
End Function

Can anyone tell me how to correct this or indeed tell me a more simple

Many thanks.

Marshall Barton

akidner said:
I would like to adjust the height of items with in the detail section of an
Access report based upon the amount of data to display.

So far I have got the detail height to adjust by calling this function from
a text box in the detail section of the report. This works BUT not until two
records/rows below the record I want to change!

Private Function SetHeight() As Long
Dim lngMyLen As Long
Let lngMyLen = Len(Me.txtTuesdayAM)
If lngMyLen > 20 Then
Me.Detail.Height = 1100 '567 twips equals 1 cm
Me.Detail.Height = 373
End If
Let SetHeight = lngMyLen
End Function

Can anyone tell me how to correct this or indeed tell me a more simple

The text box's (and the detail section's) CanGrow property
is the standard way to deal with this issue.

Note: Unless you are using a fixed width font, the number of
characters is only vaguely related to the amount of space
needed to display those characters. You will also have to
remember to chave the Height settings in your code if you
ever decide to change the text box's Font, FontSize, Bold or
Italic properties.

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