Conditional Formating



I would like to use the conditional formating to compare the values in col
C,D,E, with the value in col B. If the value in col C,D,E is less than the
value on col B, highlight the appropriate col.

ColA ColB ColC ColD ColE
5-Jul 7.33% 12.08% 15.17% 13.62%
6-Jul 7.47% 10.71% 13.21% 7.69%
7-Jul 8.82% 11.55% 7.09% 7.96%
8-Jul 8.64% 14.56% 6.36% 7.34%

For example, in this table, in 7-Jul row, cell D and E would be highlighted.

Thank you in advance.

Dave Peterson

Select your range (C2:E????)

And with C2 the activecell:
format|conditional formatting
"Cell value is"
Less than

Give it a nice format.

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