Conditional Formating



Hi , I have defined Conditional formating to my cells from the option
<Format><Conditional Formating> it works as I need but now I need to change
the cell color from source code ... It is done, but my question is ... is it
posible to execute the Conditional Formating from Source code ?

for ex A10 is red when B10= "Hola" I will change the Color for A10 from
source code (needed to be done in this way) if some other condition is
satistied I will change again the color for A10 but in this moment I need to
execute the Conditional Formating previously defined, is this possible ?


Look up FormatConditions in VBA help. That is the property you would work
with to change the conditional format generated colors. Something like:

If Cells(1, 1) = Something Then
Cells(5, 2).FormatConditions(1).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
End If

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