Conditional Formating


Khalil handal

Is it possible to use conditional formatin in Excel 2003 to:
value cell is in red if it's format is accounting - Dollars
value cell is in blue if it's format is accounting - Euros


Use "cell value is equal to" in conditional formatting.
You will have to ensure you use the required currency symbol ($ / €) as you
enter the the amount in each cell ie


Khalil Handal

The cell are preformated as accounting: either dollars ($) or (€) .
When I enter a number in a cell it will automaticcly have the sign shown.
Of course the cells contains different values.


Say A1 is formatted for $'s,
And A2 for €'s.

In B1 enter:


And copy down to B2.

B1 returns < C2 >
And B2 returns < ,2 >

SO ... conditional formulas such as:




should work for you for condition 1 and condition 2 formulas set with your
colored formats.


Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit!

The cell are preformated as accounting: either dollars ($) or (€) .
When I enter a number in a cell it will automaticcly have the sign shown.
Of course the cells contains different values.

Khalil Handal

Works for some cells and doesn't work for other values in the range.
Is there anything special????
The condition is "and" in conditional formating which gives the impresion
that it sould fulfill BOTH conditions!!!


I don't follow what you mean when you say:
<<<"The condition is "and" in conditional formatting">>>

Use "Formula is" with
for Condition1
format to Red-

Use "Formula is" with
for Condition2
format to Green-

Khalil Handal

Thanks for the help

RagDyer said:
I don't follow what you mean when you say:
<<<"The condition is "and" in conditional formatting">>>

Use "Formula is" with
for Condition1
format to Red-

Use "Formula is" with
for Condition2
format to Green-

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