Conditional Formats on Continuous Form


Michael Bride

What I am trying to do is display a monthly matrix showing personnel
disposition on a day by day basis. If I only had four possible
dispositions, conditional formatting would work perfectly, but I have

The data is stored in a personnel table, event type table, and current
events table:


SN (Unique Identifier Nine character text)
TOS (Date - Taken On Strength ... when I have to start accounting for them)
SOS (Date - Struck Off Strength ... when they are not my concern anymore)


EventID (autonumber because noone except me ever sees it...)


EventType (Integer from tblEvents.EventID)
Start (Date)
Stop (Date)

So... any suggestions on how to create a form to display a month at a
time with an indeterminate number of event types in differing colors?


I did this by having a web browser object on a form and a web page on a
asp enabled web-server machine with access to the database (can us
PWS) and built an asp page to draw a calendar. It is so much easier t
vary formats by data using a web page than VB/access forms.
Ultimately, you define a TypeID Scheme for the different types of dat
and use css (StyleSheets) to control and apply the different format
that you require, then its a simple change to change a color fo
something. Or you could even enable different users to have differen
formatting schemes.

You may be able to do this similarly with data access pages, but I ha
the asp calendar already and didn't bother to try to make it native t
access. Plus I get the added benefit of distributed processing, lettin
the server in this environment take on a little more duty that jus
serving data across the network


I had used another method one time, which is probably a little more what
you were looking for. It is relatively simple.

I have attached a working sample db. it is access 2000.

Form1 is fixed (uses the small function in module1)

form2, with module1 is completely variable number of fields and color
codes. You'll have to figure out a better way to generate colors for
yourself --I would use a table of pre-selected colors myself.

Macro1 will run the form2 version. submit another post if you have any
questions about what I did here.

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