Conditional formatting : amount of decimals



Conditional formatting should be extended for the amount of decimals. One
should be able to set the conditional formatting before entering the numbers
so the number entered in a cell is immediately rounded to the set amount of
Example :
If a number is lower than 1 use 2 decimals
If a number is between 1 and 10 use 1 decimal
If a number is greater than 10 use no decimal

If 0.1234 is entered, Excel changes it in 0.12
If 1.234 is entered, Excel changes it in 1.2
If 12.34 is entered, Excel changes it in 12

The changes occur immediately after entering the number.

This should be made possible with conditional formatting so no macro's or
something else should be used. If one uses a file every day to enter numbers
that could range from 0 to 10000 it is time consuming to eacht time use the
normal formatting for setting the right amount of decimals.

Conditional formatting can now be used for colors, edges (tab 2+3+4 in cell
properties) but not for the others formats (tab 1+2 in cell properties).

I hope Microsoft will change this in a new version.

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