Conditional Formatting Based on Date


John F.M.

Allow me to establish the context of the situation. In column A I have a
date that a form is received. In column B I want to condition the cells
to display a color contingent on the amount of days that have
transpired since the form was received. Column B actually documents
whether a form has been approved or not. If it has not, then the
appropriate color is displayed. If the form is approved, then the date
of approval is put in the cell with no need for any color. The color is
simply to act as an indicator of the amount of days that have passed
without approval.

For example, let's say that the form was received June 1. The form has
not been approved yet. So, column B would show the color green. Once
two days passes without approval, the cell turns orange. If the form is
not approved by day 5, then the cell in column B turns red. However,
once it is approved, the cell shows the date inputted.

Thanks for the help!

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