Conditional formatting / blank cells



Hello, I need help with a Conditional Format.
This is my worksheet.

Row 4 A B C D E F G H I
$200 $210

I want a conditional format in G4 that states if G4 is greater than or equal
to F4 the fill colour is green. If G4 is less than F4, the fill colour is
red. If G4 is blank, the fill colour is white. I've tried numerous
combinations, but cannot seem to get this to work. Thanks torkattack.


I have just put up an EXCEL 2007 file for you at:-

It is item number 50 towards the top of my home page.

I think that this does what you want it do to.

If my comments have helped please hit Yes.



Thank you, however I have Excel 2003 and your file will download, but is
converted and then basically stripped of all the conditional formatting in

Thanks tokattack.


Thank you David, however I am not an expert and unfortuantely I do not know
what you mean at all. Torkattack

David Biddulph

What I mean is that the first CF condition that you specify should be the
blank condition.
Then add the conditions for >= and for < (though in fact you could set the
default format to be red and not bother with the < condition).


Thank you David,
I did mange to figure it out and it works. Since you are an expert in
Excel, have you ever run into the problem where the colours change in a
worksheet that contains conditional formulas? This happens to me every time I
use a conditional format. When I re-open the file, the red will be baby blue
and the green will be black. Or in other areas where I just have text with a
grey fill, it will turn to bright blue and bright pink. It is really wierd.
it only happens in workbooks with CF. I even had a new Microsoft Office
downloaded today and it did not fix the probelm. Just curious. Thanks again.

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