Conditional Formatting for a row



I have 45 rows of data and in Column A there will be a "y" or an "n".
If there is a "y", I want the whole row to be red, if not, leave it
alone. I can do this for 1 row at a time, but I was hoping to do it
for all of the rows at the same time. I tried to use the array option,
but I could not get it to work.

Any ideas?


I have 45 rows of data and in Column A there will be a "y" or an "n".
If there is a "y", I want the whole row to be red, if not, leave it
alone. I can do this for 1 row at a time, but I was hoping to do it
for all of the rows at the same time. I tried to use the array option,
but I could not get it to work.

Any ideas?

it should work if u do a paste special over the area u need
do paste special and click format. it should work
i hope lol

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

Assuming your 45 rows of data start at Row 2 (for example purposes), then
select your 45 rows (entire rows, not just Column A), unless you expect to
eventually have more rows of data in which case include the extra
anticipated data row in the selection, starting with the second row (because
your data starts in Row 2) so that A2 is the active cell; and, in the
Conditional Format dialog, use this custom formula...


(the absolute column reference, relative row reference is important), set
your format to the red color.



it should work if u do a paste special over the area u need
do paste special and click format. it should work
i hope lol

thanks, but if you do that then it turns the row red based on the
value of the row above it. My conditional formatting formula is IF
FORMULA "$A$1="y" .. if you paste special this formatting, all of the
"pasted" rows are based on A1


thanks, but if you do that then it turns the row red based on the
value of the row above it. My conditional formatting formula is IF
FORMULA "$A$1="y" .. if you paste special this formatting, all of the
"pasted" rows are based on A1

but it should still highlight all the "Y" red right?

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