Hi! I'm having trouble with conditional formatting on cells in one sheet that
have formulas referring to another sheet. I have one sheet called
"Worksheet". The user enters data in that sheet that is then transferred to
another sheet called "Print Sheet". Say Print Sheet cell A1 has the formula
"=IF(Worksheet!A6>0,Worksheet!A6,"")" The conditional formatting I want on
Print Sheet is if Print Sheet cell A1 has the value from Worksheet A6 showing
(in otherwords Worksheet A6 was >0) then Print Sheet cell A1 is to be colored
gray. If the IF statement proved false and Print Sheet A1 shows blank or "",
then Print Sheet A1 is to be conditionally formatted nothing. I tried the
conditional formatting "cell value is" <0 and it still conditionally
formatted the cell fill in gray because Print Sheet cell A1 does have a cell
value... the IF statement formula... see what I mean? I also tried reference
to sheet Worksheet cell A6, but Conditional Formatting doesn't like to look
to other sheets. I even tried using this formuly [Staff
Schedule.xls]Worksheet!$A$6 to help conditonal formatting deal with reference
to another worksheet and it didn't like it. Can anyone help me with this?
have formulas referring to another sheet. I have one sheet called
"Worksheet". The user enters data in that sheet that is then transferred to
another sheet called "Print Sheet". Say Print Sheet cell A1 has the formula
"=IF(Worksheet!A6>0,Worksheet!A6,"")" The conditional formatting I want on
Print Sheet is if Print Sheet cell A1 has the value from Worksheet A6 showing
(in otherwords Worksheet A6 was >0) then Print Sheet cell A1 is to be colored
gray. If the IF statement proved false and Print Sheet A1 shows blank or "",
then Print Sheet A1 is to be conditionally formatted nothing. I tried the
conditional formatting "cell value is" <0 and it still conditionally
formatted the cell fill in gray because Print Sheet cell A1 does have a cell
value... the IF statement formula... see what I mean? I also tried reference
to sheet Worksheet cell A6, but Conditional Formatting doesn't like to look
to other sheets. I even tried using this formuly [Staff
Schedule.xls]Worksheet!$A$6 to help conditonal formatting deal with reference
to another worksheet and it didn't like it. Can anyone help me with this?