Conditional Formatting on several sheets of the same file



I have a conditional format in place on sheet1 that highlights the entire row
(data in Col A - Col L) if there in text input in the cell of Col D. My task
now is to go to other tabs lookup the person's name (Col B, sheet2) find a
match on sheet1 and if that name is highlighted on sheet1, automatically
highlight the row of data on sheet2. Help?!?!?

Luke M

Because of the multi-sheet issue, you'll need to create a helper column
9let's say column Z). Fill it with this formula, starting on row 2:


Now, select row 2, conditional format, formula is
format as desired. Your row should now highlight if condition is met, and
you can hide column Z for aesthetics.


Thanks! Since sending the initial request, I now have 2 cols (Col D and Col
F) in sheet1 that may have text input. The name on sheet1 may be duplicated
for the text input in Col D and Col F. Sheet2 Col L and Col M may (or may
not) have text based on the input on sheet1. I used the concept of the
"helper column" and made two columns for the evaluation of text in Col L and
Col M. How do I make the conditional formatting work in this scenario?

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