My intent is to apply conditional formatting to a text box when a control in
the same detail is blank. The text box (named text13), has a control source
=1 and a running sum Over All. The text boxes to the right are both named
Name and Type and have control sources of [Name] and [Type] respectively.
All data comes from the same query and all text boxes are in the detail
section of the same report named rptJuneTest.
For example, the report, when there are no null values may look like this (I
formatted the text boxes light gray, so the report shows rows of gray):
1 John Smith Property Damage
2 Kevin White Wrongful Death
3 Peter Jones Weapons Confiscation
When I run the report and I have no names listed, here is what the report
looks like:
Also, the "1" above as well as the spaces to the right are all shaded in
gray. My intent is to show a completely blank space when I run the report
with no "1" and no gray shading at all.
I applied conditional formatting to the [Name] and [Type] field to be shaded
white using the expression:
Expression is ""
This works and when I run the report, the gray shading is removed and the
space is blank. I tried using the expression [Name] Is Null for text13, but
it remained shaded with gray. I apologize for the lengthy email and I
appreciate your time. Thanks!
the same detail is blank. The text box (named text13), has a control source
=1 and a running sum Over All. The text boxes to the right are both named
Name and Type and have control sources of [Name] and [Type] respectively.
All data comes from the same query and all text boxes are in the detail
section of the same report named rptJuneTest.
For example, the report, when there are no null values may look like this (I
formatted the text boxes light gray, so the report shows rows of gray):
1 John Smith Property Damage
2 Kevin White Wrongful Death
3 Peter Jones Weapons Confiscation
When I run the report and I have no names listed, here is what the report
looks like:
Also, the "1" above as well as the spaces to the right are all shaded in
gray. My intent is to show a completely blank space when I run the report
with no "1" and no gray shading at all.
I applied conditional formatting to the [Name] and [Type] field to be shaded
white using the expression:
Expression is ""
This works and when I run the report, the gray shading is removed and the
space is blank. I tried using the expression [Name] Is Null for text13, but
it remained shaded with gray. I apologize for the lengthy email and I
appreciate your time. Thanks!