Conditional Formatting selecting every formatted cell



I am probably just doing something wrong but cannot find the solution.

I cannot change the conditional formatting in just one cell. When I try to
go to that cell Excel will automatically select every cell on that sheet with
conditional formatting.
I saw options to select ranges of cells (selection, sheet, workbook etc.)
but that does not help. It will still select every conditional formatted
cell. Changing information in that cell will change every cell.

Any help?

Jan Karel Pieterse

Hi Cobra2140,
I am probably just doing something wrong but cannot find the solution.

I cannot change the conditional formatting in just one cell. When I try to
go to that cell Excel will automatically select every cell on that sheet with
conditional formatting.
I saw options to select ranges of cells (selection, sheet, workbook etc.)
but that does not help. It will still select every conditional formatted
cell. Changing information in that cell will change every cell.

I agree this new conditional format manager thing is very confusing.
What it does is it grabs together all cells with the same CF.

To change one cell's CF in a range, FIRST apply the new CF to that cell.
Then (with the changed cell selected) open the CF manager. Click in the range
box for the OLD CF, select its entire formula. Now (and this is the tricky
part!!!) select all cells BUT the newly formatted one (hold control key and drag
along your worksheet). Press OK.


Jan Karel Pieterse
Excel MVP
Member of:
Professional Office Developer Association

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