conditional formatting with calculated colors



I am trying to set the background color of a text box with conditional

I tried conditional formatting from the format menu but three colors isn't

I tried assigning a color coding function to the BackColor property but the
builder only accepts colors from the color chart and rejects all other

Same holds for the conditional formatting color.

I also tried setting the BackColor property in the BeforeUpdate and
AfterUpdate event procedures with no success.

Clippy says "You can set conditional formatting based on the value in a
control, an arbitrary expression referencing another control, a user-defined
Visual Basic for Applications function, or the control with focus. You can
change the color of the text, make the text bold, italic, or underlined, or
enable or disable a control when it meets or doesn't meet criteria you

Just how do you do that with a user-defined Visual Basic for Applications
function ? I'm tired of wasting my time on trial and error.

Does anyone know which event procedure will apply conditional formatting ?

I would appreciate an example assigning the following function's result to
the BackColor property

Public Function ColorCode(A as variant) As LongInteger

Thanks in advance

Allen Browne

Open the form in design view.

Open the Immediate Window (Ctrl+G).

Enter something like this:
Forms!Form1!Text0.FormatConditions(0).BackColor = RGB(255,96,96)

Use your own form and text box names, and the RGB value you want. If you
have multiple FormatConditions, use 0, 1, or 2 as appropriate.

This assumes the Format Condition already exisits, and you ave just changing
the color.

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