Conditional Formatting



Hi I would like to make a range of cells within a column turn green whe
certain conditions are met.
The user will enter "I or "M" in each cell. If certain cells contai
I's and certain cells contain M's then all of these cells turn green.
Grateful for any assisstance. :confused

Marcus Langell

Use a different column to check whether the correct pattern of I:s and M:s
are entered. For example with 0 if it's correct and 1 otherwise. Then
summarize that column and have the conditional formatting check if that sum
is greater than zero.



That is the method i have used. Basically it ends up with the desired
total of the score in the column as 3.
The problem is how do i make the whole range of cells in the column
turn green as a result?
Conditional formatting applies to the active cell- what would the
formula be to apply it to several cells? I have never written excel
functions before.


Marcus Langell

1. Select the cells you want to apply the formatting to.

2. Choose Format, Conditional Formatting

3. Select "Formula Is" in the first drop-down

4. Enter "=$A$1=1" as the formula (without quote marks), where $A$1 is your
check-sum cell and 1 is the number for which the formatting should be applied.



I want the formatting to work like this:

If C79 = Y then the cells in E12:E66 turn gree


Highlight cells E12:E66 then go to Format->Conditional Formatting then
choose "Formula is" and write:


Then click the format button next to the sample text and choose
Patterns and then whatever color you want (in this case, green) and
click OK, and that should be it.

Let me know if it works out.


Thanks Marcus and all - it works now.
I think I must have tried all sorts of combinations apart from the
actual one that works- til now :)


Glad to hear it!
Thanks Marcus and all - it works now.
I think I must have tried all sorts of combinations apart from th
actual one that works- til now :

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