I have a column of cells that contain dates from 2010 onwards. Is it possible
to flag up (by the method of high-lighting a cell) a date for example 2
months before the entered date as so to indicate that it is due to occur in 2
months time?
I see that this can be done for "yesterday, today, next week, this month and
next month". I was just wondering whether there is a function that allows for
this to be done for dates beyond the one month.
to flag up (by the method of high-lighting a cell) a date for example 2
months before the entered date as so to indicate that it is due to occur in 2
months time?
I see that this can be done for "yesterday, today, next week, this month and
next month". I was just wondering whether there is a function that allows for
this to be done for dates beyond the one month.