Conditional formatting



Help Please

I've built a spreadsheet for monthly rostas, with the columns;

Date, Day, Staff-a, Staff-b.

No problem with Date and created Drop-Down Lists for Staff-a, Staff -b.

Day is formatted as text to give the day of week but also it has Conditional
Formating to highlight the Sunday in the month.

But, is it possible to high-light the whole row when Date/Day show up as a

Meaning; when a Sunday shows each week, then rows with Date, Day, Staff-a
and Staff-b all show as highlighted or is it impossible?

Many thanks for any help

Roger Govier

Hi Alan

Make sure that your conditional formula has the column as an absolute

Then copy the cell with the conditional formula, mark the whole range of
your data and Paste Special>Formats


Cheers and Many thanks to all you guys and gals, for the invaluable help you


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