Conditional formatting



Good morning,

I used a conditional formatting taken from one of Lebans' sample database which employs the use of a text box to color the background depending on specified criterion.

My problem is that if the use make their selection besides one of the form's controls an thus select the surounding area (in fact end up selecting the text box), the text box gain focus thus hiding the rest of the form's controls. Is there a way to disable the user's selection of the text box while maintaining the conditional formatting ability?

Thank you as always for the help,


Stephen Lebans

This is caused by a bug in CF when you use the CF GUI to setup your
format conditions. If you used the sample code on my site then you
should not be experienceing this issue?
Did you by chance modify my code and comment out the line of code that
explicitly sets the Enabled property of the control in the
FormatConditions object to false?


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.

Daniel said:
Good morning,

I used a conditional formatting taken from one of Lebans' sample
database which employs the use of a text box to color the background
depending on specified criterion.
My problem is that if the use make their selection besides one of the
form's controls an thus select the surounding area (in fact end up
selecting the text box), the text box gain focus thus hiding the rest of
the form's controls. Is there a way to disable the user's selection of
the text box while maintaining the conditional formatting ability?

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