Conditional Formatting


Jim Shortslef

I have a continuous form that displays yield values. The
control source for the form is a table that contains both
the yield values and their corresponding rank. How can I
use conditional formatting to color my form based on the
rank values rather than the yield values?

For Example:

Yield_A Rank_A Yield_B Rank_B
100 1 158 1
58 5 72 5
97 3 98 3
36 6 57 6
99 2 124 2
88 4 76 3


Stephen Lebans

There'sa couple of different methods available. If you are trying to
color the entire row then simply place an Unbound TesxtBox control
"behind" all of your existing control and apply CF based on the "rank"
field. THe caveat here isthat you can only have a total of 3 colors but
your ranking field contains more than 3 different values.
For some sample code see:


Stephen Lebans
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Jim Shortslef

I was hoping to use five colors. One each for each of the
following conditions:
Top 10 Ranks
Ranks in the Top 25%
Ranks 26-50%
Ranks 51-75%
Ranks 76-100%

A typical output on my form will contain 60 -120 records
with 20 - 40 fields.

Can this be accomplished? I am stumped on this one.


Stephen Lebans

CF supports three criteria max with one color prop possible for each


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
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