Conditional Formatting



I have a form whose Recordsource is a query
that includes a numerical field signifying a
ranking value from 0 to 5 by .5. Correspondingly,
I have a set of images that pictorially represent
those rankings. (like we've all seen a million times
with the gold stars.) I was hoping that I could use
conditional formatting to invoke a function that
would change the picture property of an image
control as each record is formatted for display.

Somewhat to my surprise, Conditional
Formatting isn't available for image controls.
Any thoughts on how I could accomplish this
task on a continuous form?

I don't suppose there's some fancy font around
that would make this task extra trivial?



Have a look through the Wingdings font: it has a couple of varieties
of star, and it's usually - though not quite always - safe to assume
that this font will be present on a user's machine.

You can browse the fonts via Start ... Programs ... Accessories ...
System tools ... Character map.



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