Conditional Formatting



I would like some help on the following:

Months and Quarters across the top.
Projected Volume (B14) = 5,000
Actual Volume (B15) =
% Variance =IF(B15>0,B15/B14-1,"")
Forecasted Staff (B17) = Set number
Required Staff =IF(B15>0,B17*B16+B17,"")

The forumla's seem to be working correctly. What I would like to do
know is put a conditional format on the Variance row. If Variance is
plus or minus 10% than highlight so it sticks out during a fast review.
If Variance is zero or 9% either way leave as is.

Addtionaly, I want to add a conditional format to the Required Staff
row. If Staff equals plus or minus .1 FTE (Full Time Employee) than
format accordinaly if .09 than leave alone.

Also, if I could add a final row to say "Staffing level is "over or
short" (depending on the result) needs review" that would be great



The first thing is to use an if/or statment in the cell which says that if
the variance is either greater than 10% or less than 10% that the value is
shown in the cell. If the statement is false i.e., the values of the
variance is within the +/- 10% window then the cell is left blank "". Then
you format the cell using a conditional formating formal that if the cell is
not equal to nothing perform the bold bright highlighting you desire.


Any chance you can show me one formula and I can figure out the other
one from there. I now know how to use If Statements but haven't used an
If/or before.


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