Conditional Formatting

  • Thread starter Fellow Wanderer
  • Start date

Fellow Wanderer

I have the following table and would likie to know if there is a way to have
the rows with "0" or null in column B to be hidden?

Col A Col B
Apples 26
Oranges 33
Pears 0
Bananas 21
Grapes 56

Dave Peterson

Can you select column B and do data|filter|autofilter

Then filter to show the non-zero/non-blank cells/rows?

Fellow Wanderer

Thanks! I knew there had to be an easy way to do this. It took me a minute
to figure out the "does not equal" option, but that's exactly what I needed.


Dave Peterson

maybe you could have used is greater than 0???

Fellow said:
Thanks! I knew there had to be an easy way to do this. It took me a minute
to figure out the "does not equal" option, but that's exactly what I needed.


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