Conditional formulas



HELP! is this possible?.. I need a formula, so if a cell shows "Credit Card"
then a row appears with areas for the credit card details, but if the cell
doesn't show "Credit Card" then the row stays hidden. Not sure if this makes
sense, what I want is a row to appear where the user can input their credit
card number, name etc. but the row to stay hidden if the paying by an
alternative method..


You can do that with an event sub, something like this: if Credit Card cells
are in column A, selecting this cells it'll unhide the next row otherwise it
hides the next row.

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Column = 1 Then 'column A
If Target.Value = "Credit Card" Then
Rows(Target.Row + 1).EntireRow.Hidden = False
Rows(Target.Row + 1).EntireRow.Hidden = True
End If
End If
End Sub

Post if you need help to install it!


„SLW†ezt írta:


Thanks so much for the response, that sounds like exactly what I need but you
will have to excuse my ignorance..not sure what an "event sub" is and I'm
afraid the 2nd half of your email is foreign to me - Is there any chance you
can explain what I need to do in laymans terms :0)

Thanks in advance


Open VBE (Alt+F11)
right click on your worksheet name in the Project explorer window (press
Ctrl+R if not visible)
choose View code from the local menu
Paste code in the code window popping up.


„SLW†ezt írta:

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