Hello, I am working on building a letter templates database because there are
so many templates we use daily. I have recently learned how to generate
letters incoporating fields to personalize address, etc. Now my problem is
that I have many conditional pragapraghs. A letter is to include a certain
paragrpah if a conditon is met or not met. For example, if a balance is
overdue more than 90 days, we need to include a collection paragraph, if not
then that paragragh will not be included. Tha is just an example of one, I
have multiple conditonal paragraphs within one single letter and there can be
20 versions of that same letter because of many possibile conditons. I want
to have one template that allows the users to choose the conditions and a
letter will be generated from those conditions. How would I go about
programing or creating a letter template that would allow this? Any
suggestion would be so grateful to me!!
so many templates we use daily. I have recently learned how to generate
letters incoporating fields to personalize address, etc. Now my problem is
that I have many conditional pragapraghs. A letter is to include a certain
paragrpah if a conditon is met or not met. For example, if a balance is
overdue more than 90 days, we need to include a collection paragraph, if not
then that paragragh will not be included. Tha is just an example of one, I
have multiple conditonal paragraphs within one single letter and there can be
20 versions of that same letter because of many possibile conditons. I want
to have one template that allows the users to choose the conditions and a
letter will be generated from those conditions. How would I go about
programing or creating a letter template that would allow this? Any
suggestion would be so grateful to me!!