I need help creating a report whch includes a Conditional
Macro (no VBA).
I have a query, qryA whose records contain the
fields "StreetName" amd "AssocMemb". "AssocMemb" is a
Yes/No field.
And I have a report, rptA.
rptA uses qryA for input.
rptA sorts and groups on "StreetName"
rptA does not have a group header, only a group footer.
The Group Footer has three fields: StreetName, txtNumOf
Residences, and txtNumOfEnrollments. The Control Source
for txtNumOfResidences is set to: "Count([SteetNames]).
Upon running the report, the "StreetNaae"
and "txtNumOfResidences" fields are coming through OK.
But after reading how to create Macros and Condintional
Macros, I can't set up one to work. All I want the
conditional macro to do is "count" the number of records
with "AssocMemb" = "Yes". Can someone help me with this
Macro (no VBA).
I have a query, qryA whose records contain the
fields "StreetName" amd "AssocMemb". "AssocMemb" is a
Yes/No field.
And I have a report, rptA.
rptA uses qryA for input.
rptA sorts and groups on "StreetName"
rptA does not have a group header, only a group footer.
The Group Footer has three fields: StreetName, txtNumOf
Residences, and txtNumOfEnrollments. The Control Source
for txtNumOfResidences is set to: "Count([SteetNames]).
Upon running the report, the "StreetNaae"
and "txtNumOfResidences" fields are coming through OK.
But after reading how to create Macros and Condintional
Macros, I can't set up one to work. All I want the
conditional macro to do is "count" the number of records
with "AssocMemb" = "Yes". Can someone help me with this