Conditional notes in report textbox if report results contsin valu



Hello all,
I'm trying to get notes to show up at the bottom of my report if a certain
heading in the report/query show up. Otherwise, the textbox will be blank.

I tried using the follwing in the txt box with no success. Any help woould
be appreciated.

=IIf([Status]="Resolved 12/30","** Resolved 12/30 items are adjustments for
2005 that were made in 2006 **","")

Status is the field name.


Forget it. I found a way...not the prettiest, but it works.
In the txt box:

=IIf(nz(DCount("[Status]","[Qry-MIS Summary-Step6-Sum Status Bucket
Crosstab]","[Status] = '**Resolved 12/30'"),0)>0,"Resolved 12/30 items are
adjustments for 2005 that were made in 2006","")

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