Marion Zapolin
I need to apply different formatting to a field depending
on the value. If >.99, I need to format as \#,##%, and if
less as \#,##.###%. I'm trying to use the if statement to
decide which format to use, but I can't get the syntax
right. Can you tell me what is wrong with this statement:
{if {mergefield number} < .99, {={mergefield number}
\#,##%} {={mergefield number}\#,##.##%}
on the value. If >.99, I need to format as \#,##%, and if
less as \#,##.###%. I'm trying to use the if statement to
decide which format to use, but I can't get the syntax
right. Can you tell me what is wrong with this statement:
{if {mergefield number} < .99, {={mergefield number}
\#,##%} {={mergefield number}\#,##.##%}