Conditional Required Field



This is driving me nuts. I have an InfoPath form that requires comment fields
to be populated if the user includes charges with a value <> 0. It works
great. I have a new form I am creating and I want to do the same sort of
thing but I can't remember how I achieved this behavior. I have looked all
over the form and I can't find anything in code, rules, or validation that
should be making the first form work. I can't for the life of me remember how
I did it, but I do know I did it without using custom code. Somehow, I did it
using the basic features of InfoPath. Can anyone help me please?

S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton

Did you also check to see whether conditional formatting was defined on the
comment fields (Properties dialog box > Display tab > Conditional Formatting


The conditional formating is also blank. I looked at using that but it didn't
let me change the field to required.

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